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Visible skin transformation with as little as three treatments. SkinPen is an FDA-cleared treatment device for micro-needling which is also made in the USA.  Microneedling helps your skin reset itself.  Micro-needling is a safe natural, holistic alternative for resurfacing the skin using microneedles without an aggressive machine which is safe for all skin types. When combined with autologous (your own) Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) used topically and injected, this treatment provides optimal results to improve wrinkles, large pores, scars, stretch marks, and overall skin appearance by stimulating new collagen/growth factors formation

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With PRP


Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Avoid Accutane for the past 6 months

  • Do not use topical agents that may increase the sensitivity of skin: retinoids, topical antibiotics, exfoliants, acids that may be drying or irritating to the skin (such as alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) beta hydroxyl acids (BHA), exfoliating masks, salicylic acids, hydroquinone, and benzoyl peroxide acne products) 5-7 days prior

  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin, or Advil for 3 days prior to treatment. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation

  • Avoidance of IPL/Laser procedures, unprotected sun exposure, or sunburn for 2 weeks prior

  • No waxing, depilatory creams, or electrolysis to area being treated 5-7 days prior

  • No shaving the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation. If there is dense hair present in the treatment area, closely shave the area the day before you arrive to your appointment. Moles, warts or actinic (solar) keratosis cannot be treated.
If you are prone to cold sores, take antiviral agent for 2 days prior to and day of treatment. Call office for prescription.

  • Bruising is a common risk especially with PRP injections. Avoid blood thinning agents (aspirin, fish oil, Omega-3, Vitamin E) for 1 week prior. May resume day after treatment.

*Please see anti-bruising protocol for full description 



Preparing the skin for this procedure will ensure optimum results. Healthy skin will respond better and results will last longer. Skin cells need nutrients for best function.


Skin care for pre-conditioning 4-6 weeks prior. Provider will make recommendations if pre-conditioning needed.

  • Dietary recommendations for optimal healing and result. We recommend Collagen MD Advanced Connective Tissue Support Formula for 2 weeks pre-and post-treatment. Collagen MD products are available in our office, no prescription needed.



Pregnancy, actively infected or actively inflamed skin, skin irritation, cystic acne to area being treated, keloid scars, allergies to topical lidocaine and sunburn.


Day of Treatment

  • Skin is clean without lotion, oil, makeup, powder, perfume or sunscreen. Patient may wash face in office upon arrival.

  • Inform provider of any relevant changes in your medical history and of all medications you are taking.

  • Notify provider of any cosmetic tattoos to areas being treated.

  • Topical Lidocaine will be applied in office for 30-45 min prior to treatment.

If combining Micro-Needling with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), your blood will be drawn in office while you are numbing.


Post Treatment Instructions

Immediately after your Medical Micro-Needling procedure, your health care provider will apply a hyaluronic mask for 5-10 min and moisturizer.


Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen Motrin or Advil for 1 week. DO NOT ice face or use arnica or bromelain. These agents may interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation.


Avoid sun tanning and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight for 2 weeks. After 24 hours, always use a full spectrum sun screen SPF30 or above. When exposed to sun, wear a hat and apply sunscreen every 2 hours.

  • Use Tylenol only as needed for any soreness

  • Optional dietary recommendations: Eat fresh pineapple, tart cherry juice (no sugar), salmon (omega-3 fish oil), bone broth based soups, continue taking collagen 1 & 3 supplement (Collagen MD Advanced Connective Tissue Support Formula) for 2 weeks to optimize healing. Avoid dairy, wheat and sugar!


DAY 1-3

A sunburn -like effect is normal. The skin will feel tight, dry, sensitive to touch. Treat skin gently washing with a gentle cleanser, cool water, using hands only and pat dry no earlier than 4 hours after treatment. Redness or sensitivity might well be present. Some small bruising is common with PRP injections and may last up to 5-7 days and swelling can last 2-4 days depending on how aggressive of a treatment you received.


Plan your social calendar accordingly!

  • Avoid strenuous exercises that cause sweating, jacuzzi, sauna or steam baths for 24 hours due to open pores, or up to 48 hours if inflammation exists.

  • May only use Oxygenetix Make-up post procedure or Mineral makeup after 24 hours

  • Sleep on your back with head of bed elevated to minimize swelling or pain as needed


DAY 2-7

  • Peeling may start 3-5 days after treatment. You will notice skin dryness and flaking. This is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. Do not pick, scratch or scrub at treated skin! Allow old skin to flake off naturally and keep moisturized AT ALL TIMES with Hyaluronic serum and TGF- growth factor followed by Le Mieux Derma Relief Serum for extra dry skin every 2 hours if needed.


DAY 5-7

You may restart your regular skin care products and Retin-A once your skin is no longer irritated.


Many patients have noticed continued skin improvement for months following the last treatment.

  • For best results, we recommend follow up and repeat treatments in 4-6 weeks and a series of 3-5 treatments depending on your personalized care plan.

  • *For further information or to book an appointment, please call our office.

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